Member Categories
The Society is committed to increase the scope of nephrology through induction of new members.
The membership categoies are as follows: Life members, Ordinary Members, Associate members, Honorary members and Retired members
All life, ordinary and retired members of the Society can participate in all activities of the society, and shall receive a free copy of the Indian Journal of Nephrology. They shall be entitled to vote for the election of the office bearers.
A person with the following qualification will be eligible for becoming a full member (life/ordinary member).
- Those holding of DM/DNB or equivalent qualification in Nephrology from other countries recognized by Medical Council of India.
- Students registered for DM/DNB having at least one year training.
- Physicians / Paediatricians with MD/DNB having at least one year training in Nephrology in a recognized hospital / institution for this purpose.
- Those with postgraduate degrees in other disciplines of Medicine such as pathology, pharmacology, physiology, biochemistry, radiology, surgery, urology, immunology, genetics or molecular biology whose work has a bearing on Nephrology.
Membership can be for life upon payment of a one time fee of Rs 5000.
Any person who lacks the qualification mentioned above, but is working in the discipline of Nephrolog, or allied specialities mentioned above or is directly involved in dialysis or transplantation may be admitted as an Associate member. Associate members will not have any right of voting for the election of office bearers. The admission fees of an associate member will be 50% of the fee of an ordinary member.
A person of exceptional eminence who has contributed already towards the aims of the Society can be admitted as an Honorary member by the Governing Body.
A member of at least 10 years standing, who has crossed the age of 65 years and is no longer in the active practice of the profession can be admitted as a Retired member.