
The Indian Society of Nephrology was founded by the joint efforts of Dr. K.S. Chugh and Dr. P. Koshy on 18th of January, 1970 at a meeting held at the Topiwala National Medical College, Bombay. The meeting at the time of foundation of the Society was attended by Dr. K.S. Chugh (Chandigarh), Dr. P. Koshy (Vellore), Dr. C. Prakash (Rohtak), Dr. P. Raghvan (Bombay), Dr. H. Vaishnava (New Delhi), Dr. SPS Teotia (Lucknow) Dr. P.D. Gulati (New Delhi), Dr. Thomas Kuruvilla (Tiruvalla, Kerala) Dr. P.K. Wahal (Agra) and Dr. K.V. Krishna Das (Trivandrum). The Society was registered at Chandigarh under the Societies Act of 1860.

Part I – Memorandum of the Society

1 The name of the Society is Indian Society of Nephrology.

2. Aims and Objectives

  • To encourage and advance the knowledge, study and practice of the speciality of Nephrology.
  • To encourage research, both clinical and experimental in the field of Nephrology.
  • To hold meetings, conferences, exhibitions and study circle for promoting the study and research in the problems relating to Nephrology.
  • To make pecuniary grants by way of scholarship, donation, subscription and allowance to scholars, research workers and other persons who are worthy of receiving such grant by reason of their skill and proficiency in the field of Nephrology.
  • To award prizes, medals or certificate or diplomas of proficiency in the speciality of Nephrology to person found fit after test, examination or other scrutiny as may be prescribed from time to time.
  • To make rules, prescribing standards of professional conduct of members of the Society.
  • To print, publish, distribute or sell books, pamphlets, pictures, periodicals, newspapers or magazines or any other printed literature or any other matter concerning or related to the speciality of Nephrology.
  • To cooperate with other national and international societies and agencies to promote objects of the society
  • To suggest, study criticize or otherwise, or take part in framing of laws affecting the science or practice of Nephrology.
  • To construct, provide, purchase, lease, regulate and maintain buildings, rooms or other structure for the purpose of the society and to alter, add, to remove or dispose of any of them in the best interest of the Society.
  • To receive any gift or legacy of movable property (including money) either with or without condition to promote the objects of the Society.
  • To acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise, any property, rights, privileges for the purpose of the Society.
  • To sell, improve manage, develop, mortgage, lease or let, underlease or sublet, dispose off, turn to account or otherwise deal with, all or any part of the property of the Society.
  • To act as trustees, agents or managers of property endowed by any person for objects of or similar to those of the Society.
  • To organize branches or zonal chapters of the Society or to appoint agents and correspondent whether in India or elsewhere for promoting all or any of the objects of the Society.
  • To draw, make, accept, endorse, execute, negotiate, purchase, lend money discount, hold and dispose of cheque, promissory notes, bill of exchange, drafts and other instruments and to cancel of any such instruments.
  • To advance, invest and deal with the societies money in or upon such investments and securities as may be deemed financially advisable for the betterment of the finances of the Society.
  • To engage such officials, servants or other persons as may be found necessary or convenient for the conduct and management of the affairs of the Society.
  • To make by laws, rules and regulations of the society and to delete, change or add to the same from time to time.
  • To do all such other acts as may be necessary, incidental, conducive or convenient to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
Part II – Rules and By Laws

Office of the Society

  • The registered office of the Society (which was initially located at Chandigarh) shall shift to the work of the Hony Secretary of the Society at the time of assumption of the change of his office.
  • The following shall be rules (subject to such modifications as may be made from time to time in accordance with the provisions made here under rules of the Indian Society of Nephrology hereinafter called the Society.

The membership of the society shall be of five classes
(a) Honorary members
(b) Life members
(C) Ordinary Members
(d) Associate members
(e) Retired members.

Honorary Members

A person of exceptional eminence who has contributed already towards the aims of the Society and who is unanimously elected by the Governing Body of the Society at a meeting held after a minimum period of three months notice of the proposal to nominate him or her has been communicated to all members of the Society. An honorary member shall have all the rights of an ordinary member except the right to vote in the election of the office bearers, and shall not be liable to pay subscription of membership or registration fees at conferences of the society, its branches and chapters.

Ordinary Members
  • A person with the following qualification will be eligible for becoming an ordinary member.
  • Having degree of DM/DNB or equivalent qualification in Nephrology from other countries recognized by Medical Council of India.
  • Students registered for DM/DNB having at least one year training.
  • Physicians / Paediatricians with MD/DNB having at least one year training in Nephrology in a recognized hospital / institution for this purpose.
  • Persons having postgraduate degrees in other disciplines of Medicine such as pathology, pharmacology, physiology, biochemistry, radiology, surgery, urology, immunology, genetics or molecular biology whose work has a bearing on Nephrology. The fee for ordinary members shall be laid down from time to time by the governing body of the society. Admission fee shall be collected from all categories of members except honorary members.
Life Members

Any person is qualified to be admitted to the ordinary membership of the Society may, by a single payment, the quantum of which shall be laid down from time to time by the Governing Body, be admitted as a life member. Life members shall not be liable to pay the annual subscription of the society.

Associate Members

Any person who lacks the qualification mentioned above, but is working in a department of Nephrology, or allied specialities mentioned in clause 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4 or is directly involved in dialysis or transplantation may be admitted as an associate member. Associate members will not have any right of voting for the election of office bearers. The admission fees of an associate member will be 50% of the fee of an ordinary member.

Retired Members

A member of at least 10 years standing, who has crossed the age of 65 years and is no longer in the active practice of the profession, may apply to the governing body to be considered as a retired member and should then be accepted as such members will not have to pay the annual subscription. They will have all the privileges of membership including the right to vote in elections for office bearers and will continue to receive the journal free of cost.

A member of at least 10 years standing, who has crossed the age of 65 years and is no longer in the active practice of the profession, may apply to the governing body to be considered as a retired member and should then be accepted as such members will not have to pay the annual subscription. They will have all the privileges of membership including the right to vote in elections for office bearers and will continue to receive the journal free of cost.

2.7 Not withstanding any condition mentioned in clause 2.1 to 2.6, persons who are already admitted members of the society shall continue to remain members in the categories in which they had previously been admitted.

2.8 Applications for the membership shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the Governing Body, shall be proposed and seconded by life members of the Society, and would be received by the general secretary of the Society at least on month before the date of the annual meeting of the Governing Body. Those who are considered suitable shall be admitted to the membership.

2.9 The annual subscription shall commence on 1st of October and end on 30th September of each year. Late payment will be accepted upto 31st of March. Every ordinary member shall pay the annual subscription for the whole of the subscription year irrespective of the actual date of the admission to membership or date of cessation of membership.

2.10 A register of members containing their names and addresses shall be maintained and brought up to date as and when new members are admitted or old members cease to be members. Any change of address shall be recorded when this is communicated by any member. List of members of the Society shall be circulated to all the members of the Society once in three years.

2.11 Cessation of Membership

Any member may resign his or her membership of the Society by giving notice in writing to the Hony. Secretary. On receipt of such notice by Secretary, he or she will cease to be a member.

2.12 Any member whose subscription is in arrears for a period of six months after 1st of October of any year despite a notice having been issued to him by the Secretary, shall cease to be a member. However, he or she will remain liable to pay the dues accumulated till that year.

2.13 If any member brings to notice of the Governing Body about the conduct of any member which is not in keeping with the norms of behaviour expected by the Society, the Governing Body may inquire into such allegations and if it so decides, may recommend to the General Body that the accused member be removed from the membership of the Society. The accused member would be given the opportunity to present his or her case to the General Body in person or in writing and may be removed from the membership of the Society only if two thirds of the members present and voting are in favour of his or her removal from the membership.

2.14 A member so expelled may be readmitted if the Governing Body makes recommendation to that effect to the General Body, and if two thirds of members present and voting are in favour of his or her readmission.

Privileges of Membership

All life, ordinary and retired members of the Society shall be entitled to participate in all activities of the society, and shall receive a free copy of the journal. They shall be entitled to vote for the election of the office bearers.

Zonal Chapters and Branches

4.1 They shall be four zonal chapters comprising different states as follows: –

East: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Sikkim, Tripua and West Bengal.

West: Daman, Diu, Goa, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra.

North: Chandigarh, Delhi Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh.

South: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Pondichery, Tamilnadu, Andaman Nicobar.

The zonal chapters may hold zonal meetings.

4.2 Any city or town or group of towns having at least ten valid members of the Society can form a Branch.

4.3 All branches and chapters, zonal or city, shall be governed by the Constitution of the Society. They may adopt their own constitution, which should be in accordance with the Constitution of the Society of their own functioning.

Membership of chapters and branches

Only persons who are members of the Society shall be accepted as members of the branches and chapters of the Society. The chapters and branches may collect their own subscriptions, but shall not accept as a member any one who is not a member of the Society, nor the Chapters or Branches can deny membership to any member of the Society who lives and works within the area of the chapter or branch concerned.

4.5 Twenty percent of the registration fee collected by chapters and branches for their annual conferences shall be remitted to the Society.

4.6 Each chapter and branch shall submit to the General Secretary a written report of its activities during the preceding year including a statement of audited accounts, which should reach the secretary at least two months before the Annual General Meeting.

Fellowship of Indian Society of Nephrology (FISN)

A member with ten years standing in profession who has distinguished himself/herself in the academic and research field or has performed exceptional service to the Society can apply for fellowship of Indian Society of Nephrology. Application should be sent to the Secretary Indian Society of Nephrology by 30th of April. The Secretary will forward the application to the Credentials Committee for consideration. The application will remain valid for two years and during that period the candidate may update his/her bio date if he/she so desires. The total number of fellowships will not exceed 10% of total membership. Fellowship is an honour and does not carry with it any right or privileges. Candidate has to be proposed and seconded by two fellows. Fellowship fee shall be paid by the fellow on entry to the fellowship.

Governing Body

6.1 The Governing Body shall manage the affairs of the Society and do all acts as may be required in accordance with the constitution of the Society. The quorum of Governing Body Meeting will be 50% of its total strength.

6.1.1 The following shall form the Governing Body.

President                          01
President Elect 01
Immediate Past President 01
Vice President 01
Secretary 01
Treasurer 01
Members 03
Zonal Members 04
Ex Officio Members 04


The following will be ex-officio members:-

  • Editor, Indian Journal of Nephrology
  • Chairman, Credentials Committee
  • Chairman, Scientific Committee
  • Organising Secretary of the Annual Congress
Term of Office

6.2.1. The President, The President Elect, Immediate Past President and the Vice President shall hold office for one year. On completion of his term, immediate Past President shall not offer himself/herself for election to any office of the Governing Body except that of Editor of IJN, Chairperson of various committee or as a Zonal Representative.

6.2.2. A member elected to office of Vice President shall not serve in this office for more than two terms.

6.2.3. The Honorary General Secretary, the Treasurer and the elected members of the Governing Body shall hold office for three years. None of these officers will serve in the same post for more than two terms.

6.2.4. Zonal members will hold office for one year at a time. Ex-office members will serve in the Governing Body for the period of their term.

6.2.5. The term of the office of the members of the Governing Body shall commence from the inaugural function of the Annual Conference where the outgoing President shall formally hand over the Presidency of the Society to the President Elect. The new President will then introduce and induct the newly elected members of the Governing Body, if any, and deliver his Presidential Address.

6.2.6. The term year shall apply to the period from the inaugural function of one annual conference to the inaugural function of the next although the period of may be a few days more or less than 365 days.

6.2.7. The inaugural function would be assumed to have been held before the beginning of the Scientific Programme.

Elections / Registrations / Vacancies

Barring the immediate Past President, Organising Secretary of the next Congress, Zonal Representatives and the Ex-Officio members, the rest shall be elected in the following manner: –

7.1 Elections shall be conducted by Returning Officer, who shall be nominated by the Governing Body at its Annual Meeting from among the members present at the Annual Conference. Once nominated, the officer concerned shall liaise with the Secretary to conduct the elections.

7.2 Nominations for the vacancies on the Governing Body shall be called for by the General Secretary by the 10th of January each year. The nomination shall be received by the 15th of February. Once the Secretary has received nominations for various posts, he will screen nominations and if there are more than one candidates for one post the information in this regard will be posted to all the candidates by 28th of February. The last date of withdrawal is 31st of March.

Secretary will dispatch ballot papers to all the members by 10th of April under UPC. Completed ballot papers should be received in the office Secretary (except when he is a candidate) by 15th of May. Whenever last day falls on Sundays or holidays, the next working day will be the last date. If any member does not receive the ballot paper by 30th of April, he or she can contact the Secretary for a duplicate ballot paper which will be sent by Secretary by speed post.

7.3 The nomination shall be proposed and seconded by two life members and should also be singed by the candidate. The candidate should be a member of the Society. If he/she ceases to be such a member at any time between the date of his nomination and the date fixed for election, his name shall be removed from the list of candidates. The counting will be done by the Returning Officer and the Secretary in the presence of representatives of the candidates, if any. The Secretary shall inform the respective candidates for the elections about the date and place of counting of votes by 20th of May. The Returning Officer will declare the results as well as inform the President about the results. The candidates will also be informed of the results.

7.4 No candidate shall stand for election to more than one post at any one time.

7.5 If the nominations are less than the seats on the Governing Body, or if there are no nominations, the vacancies shall be filled up by election at the time of the Annual General Meeting.

Resignation of Officers

7.6 Any member of the Governing Body may resign his or her post by giving notice in writing to the President. The resignation shall take effect from the date of its acceptance by the President.

7.7 Any member of the Governing Body who ceases to be a valid member of the Society shall be deemed to have vacated his or her office.

7.8 If a vacancy in the office of President otherwise than by the due completion of the term of office, the Vice President shall take over as President for the remainder of that term when he will hand over to the President Elect. A vacancy in the office of Secretary shall be filled by the Treasurer. If the post of the Treasurer falls vacant the General Secretary shall co-opt another member from his own city with the approval of the President. The vacancies will be filled along with other posts during the next election.

President of Meeting

The President shall preside over all the meetings of the Governing Body and General Body. In his absence the meeting will be chaired by President Elect Past President / or any senior member elected by the members present in the meeting.

Governing Body

9.1 The old Governing Body shall meet at the time of the Annual Conference prior to the inaugural ceremony. The new members will also be invited for attending this meeting. However, they will not have any voting rights during this meeting.

9.2 The new Governing Body shall meet after the General Body meeting in order to plan strategy for the next year. The venue and timings of the meeting will be announced by the Secretary in the General Body Meeting.

9.3 If a quorum i.e. half the number of members for any meeting is not complete within 15 minutes after the appointed time, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a later hour in the same place and day or next day as fixed by the President. If at such an adjourned meeting, a quorum is not present, any one third of total members shall make quorum and may transact the business for which the meeting was called.

9.4 If the President of the Governing Body so directs any business or class of business of the Governing Body may be transacted by circulation instead of the meeting.

Powers of the Governing Body


10.1 The Governing Body shall manage the affairs of the Society and do all acts as may be required in accordance with the constitution of the Society.

10.2 Without prejudice to the general powers conferred, the Governing Body shall have the following powers.

10.2.1. To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise for the Society any property, rights, or privileges which the Society is authorised to acquire at such price and generally on such terms and conditions as they may think fit.

10.2.2. To enter into all such negotiations and contracts and rescind and vary all such contracts and execute and do all such acts, deeds and things, in the name and on behalf on the Society as they may consider expedient for or in relation to any of the properties, rights and privileges or the purposes of the Society.

10.2.3. To borrow or secure the payment of any sum or sums of money for this purposes of the Society.

10.2.4. To institute, conduct, defend compound or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the Society or otherwise concerning the affairs of the Society and to compound and allow time for payment or satisfaction of any debts due and of any claims of demands by or against the Society.

10.2.5. To refer any claims or demands by or against the Society to arbitration and observe and perform the awards.

10.2.6. To make and give receipts, releases and other discharges for money payable to the Society and for the claims and demands of the Society.

10.2.7. To receive donations and all and any other sums of money and all and any other materials articles and things due to or intended for the Society.

10.2.8. To incur all necessary expenses for the maintenance and carrying out of the objects and intentions of these Rules and Memorandum of Society.

10.2.9. To appoint one or more persons whether members or not to constitute a Board of Examiners whenever necessary.

10.2.10. To appoint and at their discretion remove or suspend such managers, clerks, agents and servants for permanent, temporary or special services as they may from time to time think fit, and to determine their powers and duties and fix their salaries or emoluments and to require security in such instances and to such amount as they may think fit.

10.2.11. To appoint committees and to delegate, subject to such conditions as they may impose, of their powers to such committees or such member or members of their body as they may think fit and to revoke from time to time such delegation.

10.2.12. To make, vary and repeal bye-laws for the regulation of the business of the Society, its officers, managers, clerks, agents and servants.

10.2.13. The property movable or immovable belonging to the Society shall vest in the Governing Body.

10.2.14. No sale, exchange, mortgage, lease or other transfer of immovable property belonging to the Society shall be valid unless at least the President and the Hony. Secretary shall execute the document of transfer.

10.2.15. The income and property of the Society whensoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion for the objects of the Society as set forth in this memorandum of Society.

10.2.16. True accounts shall be kept of the sums of money and other articles of things received in respect of which receipts and expenditures take place and of the properties, credits and liabilities of the Society and subject to any reasonable restrictions, as to the time and manners of inspecting, the same that may

be imposed in accordance with the rules of the Society for the time being in force, the same shall be open to inspection of the members.

Functions of the Office Bearers

11. The President

11.1 The President shall be the overall in-charge of the policies and directions of the Society and be the spokesman of the Society at national and international forums. President shall preside over all ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the Governing Body and the General Body and over the inaugural and valedictory functions of the Annual Conference. The President will deliver a Presidential address at the inaugural function of the Annual Conference.

Honorary Secretary

12.1 The Hony. Secretary shall be subject to the directions and regulation of the Governing Body. The Secretary will maintain the correspondence of the Society. He will have administrative control of the office. The Secretary shall maintain the minutes of all meetings and perform all the tasks incidental to the office.

12.2 Convene meetings of the Governing Body whenever necessary or called upon to do so.

12.3 Have administrative control over the affairs of the Society.

12.4 Have charge of the correspondence of or in relation to the Society.

12.5 Keep accurate minutes of the meetings of the Society, Governing Body and Committees thereof.

12.6 Prepare the Annual Report of the Society.

12.7 Be in charge of the furniture, library and all documents and other assets of the Society.

12.8 Collect all dues of the Society and pay in all such amounts into the banking account of the Society, and inform the treasurer once in every month of the money so paid.

12.9 Make disbursement and maintain vouchers, provided that any expenditure exceeding Rs. 2000/- in a month shall be made after obtaining the sanctioning of the Governing Body.

12.10 Perform all such duties as are incidental to his office.

12.11 All notices, communications, letters memoranda and other papers, whether they are acts of the Governing Body or of any officer of the Society shall be signed or authenticated by the Hony. Secretary and when so signed or authenticated shall be conclusive.


13.1 The treasurer shall maintain the accounts and finances of the Society. Once at least in every year the accounts of the Society shall be examined by one or more registered accountants.

13.2 All cheques shall be signed by any of the following: –

  • The President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
General Body Meetings

14.1 The Annual General Body Meeting shall be held each year during the Annual Conference of the Society. The President shall preside over the meeting. In her or his absence, the meeting will be chaired by the President Elect and in his or her absence the immediate Past President, and in her or his absence by Vice President senior most Member of the Governing Body elected by the members present in the meeting. The notice of the meeting and the agenda thereof shall be posted to all the members at least 30 days before the date of the meeting.

14.2 The Governing Body shall submit an Annual Report of the Proceedings of the Governing Body and its Committees, if any and of the activities of the Society together with a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Society and an abstract of receipts and disbursement during the year, and the Report of the Auditors, if any.

14.3.1 On receipt of a request the President, may, whenever he thinks fit, and shall, upon a requisition made in writing and signed by not less than 1/10 the members of the Society, convene a Special General Meeting at such place he may decide. Any requisition made by the members shall state the object of the Special Meeting proposed to be called and shall be addressed to the Hony. Secretary. The quorum for such a meeting will be 50 numbers.

14.3.2 The Hony. Secretary shall on receipt of such a requisition proceed to convene under orders of the President a Special General Meeting which shall be held within sixty days from the date of receipt of such requisition at a place and time fixed by the President.

14.4 The Secretary shall present the minutes of the previous meeting of the General Body, a report of the activities of the Society in the preceding year and summary of the deliberations of the Governing Body meetings.

14.5 The Treasurer shall present an audited report of the accounts of the Society.

14.6 The Editor shall present a brief report about the journal.

14.7 At all General Meeting only the business of which notices have been given or such questions as naturally arise thereon shall be discussed. Any member desiring to move a resolution at the Annual General Meeting shall give notice of the same in writing to the Secretary at least 30 days before the date fixed for the General Meeting.

14.8 10% of total members present at a General Meeting shall be the quorum for that meeting.

14.9 If within half an hour from the time appointed for a General Meeting the quorum is not present the meeting if convened on the requisition of members shall be dissolved, and in any other case shall stand adjourned to a later hour in the same day and place or the next day as fixed by Chairperson.

14.10 The person presiding over the General Meeting may with the consent of the members adjourn the same for some time and to another place but no business shall be transacted at any place of meeting other than the business left unfinished at meeting from which the adjournment took place.

14.11 No quorum shall be necessary for any adjourned General Meeting.

14.12 Subject to the law fro the time being in force, the resolutions passed in a General Body Meeting shall be given effect to by the officers of the Society.

14.13 Every item brought the discussion in the Governing or General Body meetings shall be decided according to the majority of votes cast by the members present and voting at such meeting. In case of equality of votes the person presiding shall have second / casting vote in addition to his vote as a member.

14.14 Once at least in every year the accounts of the Society shall be examined and audited and their correctness ascertained by one or more registered accountants appointed for the ensuring year by the members at the Annual General Meeting each year. The report of the auditor or auditors shall form part of the Annual Report submitted to the next following General Meeting. The Auditors of the Society shall hold office until the next Annual General Body Meeting. The retiring Auditor or Auditors shall be paid such remuneration or honorarium as the members may fix at the Annual General Meeting at which such auditors or auditors may be appointed.

14.15 Any notice required by these rules may be given by address mentioned in the register of members and the same shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee on the date on which it would have reached him in the ordinary course of post.

Annual Conference of the Society

15.1 Members of the Society may request the President or the Secretary in writing to have the privilege of organising the forthcoming Annual Conference. The final decision of the venue of the Conference shall rest with the General Body. In the absence of suitable officer, the General Body may request an individual member to undertake the responsibility. At the annual meeting of the General Body the venue and the organising secretaries of t he conference for the next two years may be decided.

15.2 The Organising Secretary shall remit to the Society 30% of the registration fee of the delegates collected for the conduct of the Annual Conference.

The Scientific Committee

While the physical organisation of the conference will be in the hands of the Organising Secretary the Governing Body shall nominate five members of the Society to serve on the Scientific Committee. Honorary General Secretary will be the Convenor of the Scientific Committee. One of the members will be nominated as a Chairperson. The function of the Committee will be to screen the free papers and posters submitted for the annual Congress. The committee will also be responsible for selection of the candidates for various awards and orations of the Society. The list of candidates recommended for these awards and orations will be forwarded to the Governing Body for final decision. The term up this committee will be for a period of three years.

Credentials Committee

The members of this committee and its Chairman shall be nominated by the Governing Body and will consist of seven members. Those will include Honorary Secretary the Editor of IJN and five more members of the Society. The Honorary Secretary will be the Convenor. The Committee will selected suitable candidates from amongst those nominated for the fellowships of the Society and recommended the names to the Governing Body for approval.

The Journal of the Indian Society of Nephrology

18.1 The Society shall publish a journal, in which scientific papers pertaining to Nephrology especially but not exclusively authored by members of the Society, shall be published.

18.2 The Editor’s post will be filled by inviting nomination from the members of the Society. Nomination shall be placed before the Credential Committee appointed by the Governing Body. The Committee will recommend one or more names in order of merit to the Governing Body for final decision. The term of the editor will be of three years. He will be allowed a maximum of two terms with the approval of the Governing Body.

18.3 The Editor shall co-opt five members to constitute an Editorial Board with the approval of the Governing Body.

18.4 The purpose of the Journal is to serve as a medium for publication of the Scientific work pertaining to nephrology and its allied specialities. If the Editor desires to publish any supplements he / she may do it if majority of members of Editorial Board agree for the same.

18.5 All articles submitted to the journal shall be subjected to peer review by at least two referees. In case of any difference of opinion between the two references, the editor shall exercise his / her casting vote regarding whether the article should be published or rejected.

18.6 The retiring Editors would be designated as Emeritus Editors and would be Ex-Officio members of the Editorial Board.

Academic Wings

The Society may consider forming one or more academic wings under the frame work of the Society to carry out academic and research activities. The Society may consider formation of Indian College of Nephrology at an appropriate time.

Repeal of Rules / Additions / Deletions

Subject to the law for the time in force, the members in General Meeting shall have power to add, to vary or to repeal any of the provisions contained in these rules, provided that such addition, variation or repeal is effected by means of a resolution of which due notice shall have been given and which shall be assented to by the vote of at least three-fourths of the number of members present at the meeting.

The Income and Property

The income and property of the Society whensoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion for the objects of the society as set forth in this memorandum of Society.

Properties, Credits and Liabilities

True accounts shall be kept of the sums of money and other articles or things received in respect of which receipts and expenditures take place and of the properties, credits, and liabilities of the Society and subject to any reasonable restrictions, as to the time and manner of inspecting the same that may be imposed in accordance with the rules of the Society for the time being in force, the same shall be open to inspection of the members.

Dissolution of the Society

The Society can be dissolved if the ¾ of the total membership of the Society in a meeting for the convened purpose decide so. If on the dissolution of the Society there shall remain after the satisfaction of the debts and liabilities any property, whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributed amongst the members of the Society. It shall be given to some other society or association having similar objects.

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